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The use of multi-purpose ID cards has revolutionised how students access university services. Outside of the university sector ID cards can similarly be revolutionary, and can ensure employees remain secure whilst still able to get on with their jobs unburdened by security procedure.

Still with the university sector and having multi-purpose cards can save institutions lots of money. To explain, being able to access a range of services from the one card can reduce unnecessary administration and unnecessary protocol.

University cards are used for security procedures, allowing access to a wide range of buildings, libraries, lecture theatres, labs, events, student unions. In a very practical way, ID cards are highly effective security measures.

When used for security, ID cards are often coupled with access card readers. These swipe card readers allow the cards to be used without the need for human intervention. This makes them convenient for institutions and students alike.

Beyond granting access, ID cards can also offer a range of other functions. For example, they can be used by students to check out library books. In this way, the ID card becomes a security card and a library card in the one technology.

Having a single ID card is also beneficial for students. It means they are less likely to lose their cards, which might happen with multiple products, and it also reduces confusion for new students.

Post Author: Kathy